Following the shocking drama unfolding after Keke Palmer filed for a restraining order against her partner and baby daddy alleging many instances of physical violence during their two-year relationship, Keke also filed for sole legal and physical custody of their 8-month-old son which has just been granted.
In an update shared just now, Radar reports shared that a Los Angeles judge has granted Keke a temporary restraining order against Darius Daulton. Her now estranged partner must stay 100 feet from her and their infant.
Palmer also has full custody of their son till further notice, Darius is not allowed to visit. Reports also have it that there is a December 5 court hearing that will determine the permanency of the orders.
It is also reported that the court gave Darius Daulton 24 hours after being served with these orders to turn in a handgun he owns. He has been mandated by all means to give the gun to local enforcement.