Radiology Experts Conduct Investigations On Demystifying The Fiji Mermaid

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The gross anatomy of the structure appears to be part monkey, part fish and part reptile. Tagged as “Fiji Mermaid,” the fossil of this mysterious creature have long triggered inquisitiveness among scientists from all over the globe.

The remains date back to the late 19th century. It is believed that they were brought to Indiana from Japan by a US sailor, who donated these to the Clark County Historical Society in 1906.

A group of students scientist are striving ardently to unravel what precisely the creature is and where it is originated.

Students in (Northern Kentucky University) NKU’s radiology department are now conducting experiments on this creature with the help of some sophisticated new age technology.

“I think it’s really cool,” said radiologic science major Amanda, a radiologic scientist was amazed, saying, “I think it’s really cool, I have never seen anything like this. I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Even looking up pictures of it online, it’s so much smaller than I expected”.

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According to radiologic science professor Dr Joseph Cress, their motive is to provide as many insights as possible without dissecting the artefact. 

“With X-rays, we’re the eyes of healthcare, and so, if we can see something without really dissecting it and holding the integrity of this artifact, then why not? We have the labs here at NKU and we have the CT scanner”, he stated.

Fiji Mermaid

According to Natalie Fritz, archivist and outreach director for the Clark County Historical Society at the Heritage Center, they were first contacted by Brian Hackett, an associate professor and director at NKU to get the artefact to the university lab for the purpose of conducting a CT scan.

Once the students conclude their scans and analysis, the results will be forwarded to the Cincinnati Zoo and the Newport Aquarium, where further investigation will be carried out by experts on what clearly this Fiji Mermaid is made up of.

We will put in our time, effort and with the right technology to demystify this little creature.

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