Indigestion is a symptom of other digestive problems, such as ulcers, gastritis, or acid reflux.
Instead of turning to over-the-counter antacids to calm your stomach, you can manage the symptoms with ingredients and herbs in your kitchen.
Indigestion happens to almost everyone. Eating habits or a chronic digestive problem can cause indigestion.
Common symptoms:
Stomach pain, bloating, Heartburn, Nausea, vomiting during meals, unable to finish regular meal, very full after eating a normal meal, heat in the stomach or esophagus, gnawing sensation in stomach.
Home Remedies That Can Help Quickly Relieve Indigestion:
1.Peppermint Tea:
Mint is not only a breath freshener, it also has an antispasmodic effect on the body and is a safe choice for relieving stomach problems like nausea and indigestion.
Drink a cup of peppermint tea after a meal to quickly soothe your stomach or keep a few mints in your pocket and suck on candy after eating.
2.Chamomile Tea;
Chamomile tea is known to help induce sleep and calm anxiety. This herb can also soothe intestinal discomfort and relieve indigestion by reducing stomach acid in the digestive tract.
Chamomile also acts as an anti-inflammatory to relieve pain.
To prepare chamomile tea, place one or two tea bags in boiling water for 10 minutes then pour into a cup and add honey if desired. Drink tea as needed to prevent indigestion.
Chamomile contains an ingredient that acts as an anticoagulant, so there is a risk of bleeding when combined with blood thinners.
3.Apple Cider Vinegar:
Little little acid in the stomach can cause indigestion, drink apple cider vinegar to increase the body’s production of stomach acid.
Add one to two teaspoons of raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to a cup of water and drink for quick pain relief or stop indigestion before it happens by drinking this mixture 30 minutes before eating.
Although apple cider vinegar is safe, taking too much or undiluted can cause side effects like tooth wear, nausea, sore throat, and low blood sugar.
Consult ur health care provider if symptoms persist.
Treat Indigestion At Home With Herbs