Tips On Maintaining An Healthy Ears

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Your ears are paired organs, located on each side of your head, which help with hearing and balance.

There are several conditions that can affect your ears, including infection, tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, eustachian tube dysfunction and more.

However, it is imperative to ensure your ear is protected  against any form of damages like sounds and substances.

In this article, you’ll get to know simple tips you need to embrace and abstain from to help you maintain healthy ears.

Abstain from loud volume–
Many of us are very guilty of this. Even you! We love listening to music and watching television on high volume which is not healthy for the ear. Too much of this can destroy your eardrum — this is actually what separates the outer ear from the inner one. Sounds easily penetrate into it; if you don’t resist from listening to high volume, you’ll probably start to experience hearing loss or pain.

Using Cotton Buds–
Using cotton buds is quite common among us, in fact, it is the best way for most of us to clean our ears. Health wise, it is not good. According to researchers, cotton buds can actually do more harm than good. It can make ear wax go deeper into the ear canal that can lead to hearing problems and damage the ear canal. You can seek advice from your doctor on the best way to clean the ear.

Always keep your Ear Dry–
It is not unusual to realize that after bathing or swimming, you have water on your ears. The unhealthy thing to do is allow the water to stay in the ear for too long because you never can tell if the water contains bacteria. The first thing to do actually is, bend your head to the side to enable the water to come out. If you don’t usually care after these kinds of activities, it’s not too late.

Regular Ear Checkup–
If your aim is to have a healthy ear forever, it is advisable you embrace regular checkup. Through this, you would be able to know its health status; what you can do to prevent any form of hearing loss. Frankly, as we grow older, our hearing ability declines. Notwithstanding, medical conditions can also contribute to it. 

Regular Exercise–
Another way to maintain healthy ears is through regular exercise. A regular exercise helps the blood to flow and circulate — which can aid blood and oxygen to reach your ears by making them healthy. Prioritize exercise to protect and keep it active. Endeavour to do exercise you enjoy doing, maybe swimming, walking or biking. You can add yours to the list.

Avoid Smoke–
Smoking reduces the blood oxygen levels and the blood vessels for your inner ear. The Eustachian tubes that connect the middle ears to the back of the throat can be blocked by smoking. This is quite dangerous because the tubes are responsible for maintaining air pressure  and draining fluid. Smoking can also affect ear nerves by making it more sensitive to loud noises and increase the risk of having hearing loss.

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