The final burial of the Late Madam Christiana Onachukwu Nwozor was finalized on Thursday, 4th January 2024 at her residence in Obiofia Umuenem, Otolo Nnewi, Anambra State.
Madam Christiana died at the old age of @92. She had six(6) children, two gentlemen and 4 women and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Chief Pius and friends

Mama’s second daughter

CWO during service of songs
Mama popularly referred to as Obamma Ijele, lived a life of peace and was loved by all because she helped her people anytime they sought her assistance, according to some people in her environs who spoke to Ekweanaedo News correspondent.
One of Mama’s sons in the person of Chief Pius Nwozor popularly referred to as Mr P, a South African-based business mogul, has personalities and business associates all the way from South Africa to Nigeria to pay final respect to the deceased.
Chief Pius, whose title name is Obataunoadimma, meaning peacemaker, is a man of the people, an attribute he inherited from madam Christiana(his mother) as they both have the same behaviour as everyone around them.
The funeral service kicked off at exactly 11:00 am with some priests and the Catholic Women’s Organization(CWO) of St Cletus Catholic Church Otolo Nnewi alongside family, friends and well-wishers who also gathered to pay their homage.