Convulsion is sudden irregular movement of the body, caused by involuntary contraction of muscles and associated especially with brain disorders.
Causes of convulsion:
1. Epilepsy,
2. Presence of certain toxins or other agents in the blood,
3. Fever in children.
4. Brain Trauma
Signs of Convulsion:
loss of consciousness (black out)
twitching or jerking of arms and legs.
breathing difficulty.
foaming at the mouth.
going pale or bluish in skin colour.
eye rolling, so only the whites of their eyes are visible.
your child may take 10 to 15 minutes to wake up properly afterwards.
First Aid for a convulsing person:
1. Stay calm and remain with the person.
2. Keep them safe and protect them from injury.
3. Place something soft under their head and loosen any tight clothing.
4. After the seizure is over, roll them on their side (if they have food or fluid in their mouth, roll them onto their side immediately).
5. Watch for signs of breathing problems, including bluish color in the face.
6. Try to keep track of how long the seizure lasts.
Can convulsion be treated?
Treatment with medicines or sometimes surgery can control seizures for most people with epilepsy.
Some people require lifelong treatment.
For others, seizures go away. Some children with epilepsy may outgrow the condition with age.
How to prevent convulsion:
1. Take your medication as prescribed.
2. Avoid consuming alcohol.
3. Avoid substance misuse.
4. Practice stress management.
5. Maintain a sleep schedule.
6. Keep a consistent meal schedule.
7. Avoid flashing lights. …
8. Protect yourself from head injuries.
In conclusion:
Consult with ur health care provider at any episode of convulsion for better counseling.
Health : Convulsion And First Aid At Home