FG Introduces 15 Mandatory Skills For Students In New Education Curriculum (Full List)

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The Federal Government of Nigeria has announced the introduction of 15 skill acquisition into the curriculum of Primary and Junior Secondary schools in Nigeria.

Students will be able to choose one out of the 15 Skills and obtain both theoritical and practical knowledge of it before promotion to another class.

The Student will choose a particular skill out of the 15 and have the knowledge from Primary 1 to J SS 3 (9 years) starting from 2025 academic year.

Teachers will be trained, retrained and employed in both public and private schools all over the Country.

The 15 Skill courses are :

  1. Plumbing
  2. Tiling and Floor Works
  3. POP Installation
  4. Event Decoration and Management
  5. Bakery and Confectioneries
  6. Hairstyling
  7. Makeup
  8. Interior Design
  9. GSM Repairs
  10. Satellite/TV Antenna Installation
  11. CCTV, Intercom Installation, and Maintenance
  12. Solar Installation and Maintenance
  13. Garment Making
  14. Agriculture and Processing (including crop production, beekeeping, horticulture, sheep and goat farming, poultry, and rabbit farming)
  15. Basic Digital Literacy (IT and Robotics)
