Daddy Hezekiah Urges Nigerians To Spread Genuine Love This Season

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Most Rev. Prof Daddy Hezekiah, Archbishop of Living Christ Mission Inc, Onitsha, has urged Nigerians to take advantage of the Christmas and New year seasons to spread genuine love and hope to others.

Prof Daddy Hezekiah, who gave the charge in his Christmas and New Year message, described the season as a period of sober reflection on how one performed in the present year, including their successes and failures in order to make amends for the following year.

“In living your life, just like Jesus Christ lived for us, try as much as you can to live for others, not just at Christmas, but everyday, to God’s glory,” he stressed.

“Christmas is a sacred period in which someone will use to think deeply, how they have performed in the present year, about their successes, mistakes and failures and make amends for the following year.

Prof Hezekiah, who doubles as Proprietor and Chancellor, Hezekiah University, Umudi, Imo State further advised citizens to keep hope alive amidst socio-economic challenges bedeviling the country.

He said, “No matter what we’re passing through, so long as we’re alive, there is hope. It’s not easy to survive a day in our country in particular and the world in general, considering the manifestation of evil occurrences.

“In the face of the abominable things that are happening in the world today, do not lose focus or hope non your identity as a child of God, nor be tossed by winds of doctrines in conformity to this world.

“Instead, live a life worthy of your calling as a child of God so that after your sojourn here on earth, you will happily see God and live with him forever.”

“He however, warned against ingratitude, enjoining the citizenry to rather appreciate and reciprocate God’s love, blessings and goodness upon their lives.

Lamenting increasing idolatry, diabolic tendencies, and other wicked practices among the citizenry, the Prelate insisted that God remained the only one to be trusted for perfect protection, prosperity, and upliftment.

“The world is now full of wickedness and evil practices. Many have become very diabolic, destructive, enemies of God and righteousness.

“Many have abandoned the living God Almighty, in order to serve and worship Satan the devil. Therefore my dear ones, this is the time you need God more than ever,” he advice.

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