ARTMA Introduces Night Shifts To Crack Down On Traffic Offenders In Anambra state.

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The Anambra State Road Traffic Management Agency (ARTMA) is taking strong action against traffic offenders, particularly those who drive against the flow of traffic (One Way), by implementing night shifts.

The introduction of night shifts has had a significant impact on reducing the number of individuals driving against traffic, especially from Upper Iweka to Bridge Head, starting at 5 pm.

According to a report from ARTMA, officers are required to capture proper videos that clearly show landmarks and road signs before impounding any vehicle.

In response to a recent video that caught the agency’s attention, the report mentioned, “Our adhoc officer did a great job, and his closing remark ‘igba mgba-power’ provided a moment of humor for everyone except the truck driver who now has to face the consequences of his reckless action.”

The report also stated that the adhoc officer will need to explain to the agency the meaning of his closing remark.

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